Understanding your ...

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Understanding your Mental Health & Wellbeing with Lauren Steadman

lauren steadman mental health

Getting to grips with your mental health and wellbeing and ensuring you are in the right place psychologically is an absolutely vital part of any elite athlete’s preparation. That’s why, as part of their Sporting Champions package, our athletes get access to a number of mentoring days throughout the year with our Elite Athletes as part of the programme. These are designed to help our Sporting Champions be the best athletes they can be.

In this first instalment, we will be featuring an extract from a recent mentoring day with multi-Paralympic Gold medal-winner, Lauren Steadman, athletics legend and Sporting Champions Ambassador, Colin Jackson, and Sports Psychologist Katie Mobed.

Here, Katie, Lauren and Colin discuss the importance of correct mental preparation to high-performance sports and athletics, as well as the importance of ‘normalising’ the discussion around mental health and wellbeing.

Lauren, Katie and Colin discuss so much around how important it is to understand your own psychology and to look after your mental health and wellbeing that we won’t go into it all here. Simply watch the video, enjoy and learn!

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