Our Athletes

Applications for the Sporting Champions scheme are now closed

Everyone Active’s Sporting Champions scheme is divided into three sections – Ambassador, Elite and Sporting Champions. Each of these represent both varying levels of support and sports funding, as well as differing levels of achievement and attainment in their careers so far.


For example, our Sporting Champions Ambassador – Colin Jackson, CBE – is a bona fide athletics legend with his career behind him, but a vast amount of wisdom to pass on to the next generation of aspiring sports stars. This is the major role he plays in the scheme, passing on his knowledge and experience to younger athletes to help them with all manner of

Elite Athletes

Meanwhile, the athletes on the Elite level of the programme are right at the top of their game – you’ll have seen them compete successfully at major international competitions, including the Olympics, Paralympics and the World Championships.

Sporting Champions

Lastly, there are our Sporting Champions athletes. Those at this level of the programme are generally still working their way up the sporting ladder – aspiring to be where our Elite athletes are now. To be a Sporting Champion you’ll be competing at a high standard in your sport – either at national or international level – and aspiring to get ever closer to that Elite athlete status.

To help you on your way, we’ll give you the opportunity to train at any of our 230+ centres up and down the country, giving you access to first-class facilities at which to help you improve. There are also mentoring days throughout the year led by Colin and the Elite athletes at which they give advice on any number of issues affecting athletes today – from finances, to media training.